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It’s Chick Cam!!!!

Turn up the volume on your speakers – you can hear them peeping. The chicks are now 6 days old and if you look closely, you’ll see that some of them have little feathers at the ends of their wings.

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  1. Margot says:

    So cute!

  2. Mommybrain says:


    Sweet Peepus, I love baby chicks!

  3. htwollin says:

    Get the cuteness while you can, folks because a week from now, I predict — they will start to look like little dinosaurs. But, we’ll always have…Chick Cam!!!

  4. Paulette says:

    Aunt Toby – those baby chicks are so cute…reminds me of when I lived on a farm and we raised a few hundred at a time.

  5. Phyllis says:

    Toby, we have chickeng too! Aren’t they the best? Our three girls will be a year old in June and they’ve been layign since December. We got 60 eggs last month. I’ll never go back to supermarket eggs, aside from the taste my baked goods are amazing.

  6. Toby Wollin says:

    Phyllis — no matter what you do, you can’t get an egg that tastes or looks like an egg that comes out of a hen that is not in a battery someplace. You also get a much better result from the whites..I’m not quite sure why, but I have heard that the eggs you get in the store are not ‘new’, if you know what I mean.

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